Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sprinkler Head Types

Sprinkler Head Types

There are a number of different types of sprinkler heads that cater to different needs. This article covers the types of operations (against the fusible link lamp), and the types of distribution (necklace, upright, wall), and the temperature response.

Fusible link sprinklers Vs.2 the glass bulb sprinklers 
 all wet pipe sprinklers closed by any fusible link or glass bulb contains a heat-sensitive liquid.

A fusible link sprinkler head has a metal component parts which fused by heat-sensitive alloys. Cover carries the link points, or ingredients, in place. Once at room temperature around the head spraying up to a certain temperature, and releases a separate metal and alloy elements, which causes almost cover point to fall away. Water is then edited. Note that it is released only from the water before the spray heads where the ambient temperature reaches a certain level - and therefore, the water is released only in the field of fire, helping to limit the damage caused by the water.

Glass bulb sprinkler heads have a small glass tank that holds the heat-sensitive liquid. This glass bulb bearing almost point cover in place. When the ambient temperature of the liquid reaches a certain level, the liquid and expands, causing the bulb to break the glass, which allows the lid to drop points away to release the water. As is the case with the heads of fusible link, and the water is released only where the ambient temperature reaches a certain level, which helps to reduce the damage caused by the water.

Sprinkler Response Temperatures

Since ambient temperatures can vary greatly depending on the use of distance or the surrounding environment, and the sprinklers come rated for temperatures different activation. The table below is based on NFPA 13 Table 3-2.5.1 (US National Fire Code); however, it may be machine guns manufacturers of different temperature ratings.

Ordinary100°F135°F - 170°FOrange (135°F)
Red (155°F)
black; no color
Intermediate150°F175°F - 225°FYellow (175°F)
Green (200°F)
Extra High300°F325°F - 375°FPurpleRed
Very Extra High375°F400°F - 475°FBlackGreen
Ultra High475°F500°F - 575°FBlackOrange
Ultra High625°F650°FBlackOrange
Types of distribution sprinkler head

The following charts show the different types of sprinkler heads and distribution patterns. Refer to the manufacturer to cover the radius of the information.

Pendant Sprinkler Head

Pendant sprinkler heads hang down from the ceiling and spray water in a circle pattern.

Concealed Pendant Head Sprinkler

And stopped necklace concealed sprinkler heads in the ceiling are covered with decorative cover. And the maximum located away from the 20 ° F before activating the sprinkler. Once the spray reaches its activation temperature rating, the head will fall under the roof. Water spray pattern of the heads of the department is concealed.

Upright Sprinkler Head 

Sprinkler heads upright expected up to space and be a deviation that the water spray to the bottom. It is commonly used in mechanical rooms or inaccessible areas other to provide the best between obstacles such as struts or channels cover. It also provides a spray pattern circle

Side Wall Sprinkler Head

wall stand out from the wall and her oblique to sprinkle water away from the wall in a semi-circle spray pattern. A second deflector also sprinkle water again toward the wall so as to protect the wall. These are used when the sprinklers can not be located in the ceiling.

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